Hi All,
We are happy to see RedCast revival in PlyCast. We are using RedCast for more than two years and it is fantastic.
We are testing PlyCast now, and we are so satisfied with new plugin system and new logic of automations of broadcasting.
We started test broadcasting two weeks ago, and our technicians found some issues they don't like:
When all items on a playlist are selected, you can not deselect by clicking outside of selection. Instead they must add some new line, to click on it and deselect the playlist
Missing the preset of "Default plugin duration". We made plugin which plays our live HLS Live streams, which are commonly random live news reports from our reporters. In redcast we were inserting live with default duration of 1 hour, and when live finishes, we are going Next. The default duration option saved us lot of time.
In the daily broadcast, we are usually looping the last live reports, and when there is new live event, we are breaking the last broadcast and going live.
Plycast in this situation trims the last skipped video, to point to which it was broadcasted. On the next GoTo loop it plays trimmed to the same point.
Here we will want some function to reset the media duration of "As Run" clips, which we don't know if it will fit in your new logic. Maybe it will be better when GoTo event occurs, all media from that point and bellow be reset to the original duration.
- When they are editing out-points of the clips in the list, when one line is edited and they double click on the out-point of the next clip, the second line out-point field enables to edit, but last line editing is not closed automatically. When you click Enter, only active line value changes. This is a bit confusing.
That's all for now. And we will keep testing. This playout software is awesome, and there is a good future in it.
We hope to see future stable editions, and move to PlyCast!
Guys! Keep good working!